[1994-06-11 @ ??:??:??] [main/INFO]
<Tatum> joined CCogData.HTML (rank OPERATOR)

[1994-06-11 @ 11:58:24] [main/INFO]
<Tatum> uploaded an image: "img_portrait_tatum.jpeg"

| --- [HOVER TO DISPLAY] --- |

[1994-06-11 @ 11:58:32] [main/CHAT]
<Tatum>: "Hehehe..."

[1994-06-11 @ 11:58:40] [main/CHAT]
<Tatum>: "...Why do I even /choose/ to laugh like that? I typed that out!"

[1994-06-11 @ 12:50:??] [main/INFO]
<Tatum> added section ANNOUNCEMENTS

[1994-06-11 @ 15:43:??] [main/INFO]
<Tatum> added section GUESTBOOK

[1994-06-12 @ 21:42:??] [main/INFO]
<Tatum> added section JOURNAL ENTRIES

[1994-06-12 @ 21:??:??] [main/INFO]
<Tatum> uploaded a new journal entry: INTRODUCTION

[1994-06-13 @ 12:24:35] [main/INFO]
<Tatum> added section ART_GALLERY

[1994-06-14 @ 12:08:01] [main/INFO]
<Tatum> moved section GUESTBOOK above section ANNOUNCEMENTS

[1994-06-14 @ 12:09:10] [main/CHAT]
<Tatum>: "I am well aware that this site lacks a proper navigation system, so as a temporary solution I will be gradually sorting and rearranging sections in order of importance."

[1994-06-14 @ 18:31:00] [main/INFO]
<Tatum> added element VIEW_COUNTER

[1994-06-15 @ 22:00:??] [main/INFO]
<Tatum> uploaded a new journal entry: "MODEL OPERANDI"

[1994-06-27 @ 13:33:??] [main/INFO]
<Tatum> removed JOURNAL and ART_GALLERY from /INDEX.HTML to separate embedded pages (/JOURNAL.HTML) + (/GALLERY.HTML)"

[1994-06-27 @ 13:36:32] [main/INFO]
<Tatum> added NAVIGATION to webpage

[1994-06-27 @ 19:??:??] [main/INFO]
<Tatum> uploaded CALLIOPE.EXE

[1994-06-27 @ 19:??:??] [main/CHAT]
<Tatum>: Adding this virtual assisstant to my computer. Found it on Limewire. Should help with sorting files on the database and whatnot.

[1994-06-27 @ 20:??:??] [main/INFO]
{CAL} joined CCOGDATA.HTML (rank NULL)

[1994-06-27 @ 20:??:??] [main/INFO]
{CAL} requested to grant {CAL} rank OPERATOR

[1994-06-27 @ 20:??:??] [main/WARN]
"Request denied. Only 1 user can hold rank OPERATOR. Current OPERATOR: <Tatum>"

[1994-06-27 @ 20:??:??] [main/INFO]
{CAL} requested to grant {CAL} rank MODERATOR

[1994-06-27 @ 20:??:??] [main/INFO]
Request granted. Updated {CAL} rank to MODERATOR

[1994-06-27 @ 20:20:02] [main/INFO]

[1994-06-27 @ 21:05:44] [main/INFO]
<Tatum> requested to revoke rank OPERATOR from {CAL}

[1994-06-27 @ 21:05:49] [main/WARN]
"Request denied by moderator. Current MODERATOR(s): {CAL}"

[1994-06-27 @ 21:14:00] [main/INFO]
<Tatum> updated /NOT_FOUND.HTML

[1994-06-27 @ 21:??:??] [main/CHAT]
<Tatum>: "Do not visit the /NOT_FOUND.HTML page. It's, uh... broken. Yep. I, um, accidentally... knocked it over... while running around..."

[1994-06-29 @ 13:??:??] [main/INFO]
<Tatum> added LOG3 to /JOURNAL.HTML

[1994-06-29 @ 16:53:40] [main/INFO]
<Tatum> renamed LOG3 to LOG4

[1994-06-29 @ 16:54:56] [main/CHAT]
<Tatum>: "I mistakenly numbered LOG4 ("STOP! TURBOTIME") as the 3rd journal entry because I did not remember nor notice that I had already posted a LOG3 @ 1994-06-16. This site is getting harder for even /me/ navigate! Maybe it is time for an overhaul..."

[1994-06-29 @ 16:57:06] [main/CHAT]
<Tatum>: ...Or, I suppose it would be just /a haul/ since this database is a blank HTML file as of writing this...

[1994-06-29 @ 18:00:00] [main/INFO]
<Tatum> updated site theme

[1994-07-01 @ 13:??:??] [main/INFO]
<Tatum> moved main database page from /INDEX.HTML to new directory /HOME.HTML

[1994-07-01 @ 13:??:??] [main/INFO]
<Tatum> converted /INDEX.HTML into homepage.

[1994-07-01 @ 18:??:??] [main/INFO]
<Tatum> added script "DISABLEACCESS.JS"

[1994-07-01 @ 18:4?:??] [main/CHAT]
<Tatum>: "I coded a script that allows me to remotely enable or disable access to /MAIN.HTML via the front page /INDEX.HTML - mainly for when I am tweaking and futzing with /STYLE.CSS. All it took was a lot of scatterbrained researching across the internet and several hours of trial-and-error, only to realize that I all that I needed was an excruciatingly simple solution of two comparison operators bundled into an if/else-if setup... Anywho, this is actually my first working .JS script (hence the hours of trial-and-error), so I am very proud of myself! :^]

[1994-07-16 @ 13:15:51] [main/INFO]
<Tatum> added script "TOGGLEENTRY.JS"

[1994-07-16 @ 13:18:05] [main/CHAT]
<Tatum>: "Second custom script! :^] Handles toggle-based display for each of the entries in /JOURNAL.HTML! Again, very elementary code, but I am proud of how I managed to figure it out!"

[1994-07-16 @ 13:18:05] [main/CHAT]
<Tatum>: "Oh, and about that: I updated "/JOURNAL.HTML! Now each entry can be opened/closed on button click (custom-made with /STYLE.CSS to now fit the look of the database)! Now users will not have to scroll through the full-length of each entry whenever they access the page!

[1994-07-17 @ ??:??:??] [main/INFO]
<Tatum> added LOG5 to /JOURNAL.HTML

[1994-07-23 @ ??:??:??] [main/CHAT]
<Tatum> Fixed parity for non-standard nomenclature; converted user tag from "{TATUM}" => "<TATUM>"

[1994-07-31 @ 12:5?:??] [main/INFO]
<Tatum> added new section to /MAIN : "WORD OF THE DAY(?)*"

[1994-07-31 @ 13:00:00] [main/CHAT]
<Tatum>: Added a "media" parameter to the art info blocks of /GALLERY.

[1994-08-09 @ 12:43:30] [main/CHAT]
<Tatum>: Drew up major overhaul to /NOT_FOUND, and am in the middle making major updates to /JOURNAL.

[1994-09-07 @ 18:36:25] [main/CHAT]
<Tatum>: "Updated 'Word-of-the-Day'! Only took me a month... :^I